
  Recently, thanks to a link on social media, I discovered the Circle and Square comic strip.  The most recent one made me laugh.  Talk about circular logic!  Clickit to biggit. Tumblr seems to be getting some entertaining comic strips.  Another good one is Foxes In Love.  Both have become daily visits for me.  Recommended.… Continue reading Heh


  I wouldn’t put this past the CDC at all! The CDC and Anthony Fauci have a major new concern. No it is not a Zombie Apocalypse. It is that Americans might no longer be afraid of COVID-19/Coronavirus. As a result something new had to happen. So together using the partnership with CNN and the… Continue reading Heh

This one’s for Alma Boykin

  Alma’s a writer and blogger, and also a singer and a perpetrator of puns.  I think she’ll get several belly-laughs out of this list of musical terms, which appeared on MeWe yesterday. I can see her choir director doing a facepalm as Alma trots these out at the next rehearsal . . . Peter

A sports car test drive after a vasectomy? Sure, why not?

  This is why not. You’ll have heard how the Alpine A110’s combination of lightness and rightness has earned the admiration of evo’s tillermen. And that’s all well and good, but what’s it like if you’ve just had a vasectomy? To find out, I went to a central London clinic and invited a large, medically… Continue reading A sports car test drive after a vasectomy? Sure, why not?