Hurricane Ike has arrived

We’ve had strong winds, gusting to tropical-storm force, and bands of heavy rain throughout the afternoon. A few minutes ago, the downpour was so fierce I could hardly hear anything else, even the music from my computer speakers. (For those interested, it was ‘Fantasia para un Gentilhombre’ by Rodrigo. Lovely music, but too refined to… Continue reading Hurricane Ike has arrived

Hurricane Ike may affect us after all

Hurricane Ike has grown so large in diameter that it’s already sending rain and storm winds into central Louisiana. I’ve just looked out of my front door (at 4.15 a.m.) and it’s raining and blowing hard. Given our existing hurricane damage from Gustav, we may have a tough time of it for a while. Coastal… Continue reading Hurricane Ike may affect us after all

A very long day

Well, Servicemaster completed the cleaning of my home yesterday (Thursday). Their crew did an absolutely outstanding job, finishing the entire house in just two days (including packing just about all my possessions, including a 2,500-book library, and moving them to storage while the painting and repairs are going on). They’ll be back in the morning… Continue reading A very long day

The trials and tribulations of tree-felling

Ever had to chop down a big, 50- or 60-year old oak tree, growing two or three feet from the corner of your home? It’s quite a business. The contractor arrived this morning, sending in a pickup truck with an expert for a preliminary reconnaissance before the crane arrived. He advised me to move my… Continue reading The trials and tribulations of tree-felling

Post-hurricane alarums and excursions

It’s been a busy hectic shambolic sort of day. I’m finding it just about impossible to line up roofing, siding and tree-removal contractors. They’ve all got more than enough work to keep them busy for months: and if you tell them, “Guys, this is an insurance job, and you’ll have to wait for payment until… Continue reading Post-hurricane alarums and excursions