Made it to Dallas

Evening, all. I got into Dallas safe and sound this afternoon, and I’m staying with JPG and Holly and their three dogs (all of whom are trying to persuade me that they’ve had no attention from anybody at all since my last visit, and they’re totally neglected, and they need all the love I can… Continue reading Made it to Dallas

Things you’ve done

El Capitan, over at Baboon Pirates, is circulating a meme he got from Adam Lawson. It lists 100 activities. You’re supposed to highlight those you’ve done in bold print. Anything not in bold . . . well, you haven’t got around to that yet. I thought I’d have a go. THINGS I’VE DONE: 1. Started… Continue reading Things you’ve done

1,000 posts!

Another pleasant blogging milestone to report. This is my 1,000th post since starting this blog on January 1st this year. I hope you’ve enjoyed them (well, some of them, anyway!). At the time of writing, there have been 239,952 total visits to this blog, and it’s averaging a little over 1,000 visitors each day. Thanks… Continue reading 1,000 posts!

Another week of renovations is over . . .

. . . and there are at least two more to go, to rectify the fire and hurricane damage to my home. The contractors are doing an excellent job on the interior. I deliberately chose a small local outfit, who came highly recommended by firms like ServiceMaster. They charge more than some others, and emphasized… Continue reading Another week of renovations is over . . .

A very long day

Well, Servicemaster completed the cleaning of my home yesterday (Thursday). Their crew did an absolutely outstanding job, finishing the entire house in just two days (including packing just about all my possessions, including a 2,500-book library, and moving them to storage while the painting and repairs are going on). They’ll be back in the morning… Continue reading A very long day

A little sleep helps . . .

One-thirty in the morning, and six hours sleep later, and I’m feeling a little more human. I omitted to thank all those who linked to my post about our local post-hurricane Neighborhood Watch arrangements. Irons In The Fire, United Conservatives of Virginia, The Freeholder, Kim du Toit, Tekmage, No Looking Backwards, The Smallest Minority and… Continue reading A little sleep helps . . .