
It’s nice to encounter officials with a sense of humor now and then.  The Kennebunk Police Department in Maine put out this press release on their Facebook page this week (clickit to biggit): After that, what can I do but post this? Peter

Spelling it out

This cartoon made me laugh, and not just for its humor, but because the underlying problem is so real.  Click it to be taken to a larger view at the strip’s home page. The difference between English-English and American-English can be startling – and they’re often scatological.  A couple of examples: I was having breakfast… Continue reading Spelling it out

That’s how they roll in Siberia . . .

Police were not amused. Police in Siberia have fined a local blogger for cruising the streets of Tyumen inside a bathtub, stirring a social media storm in his support. Online images published this weekend showed the shirtless man washing himself inside a tub fitted with wheels and towed by a van through the city’s streets.… Continue reading That’s how they roll in Siberia . . .

So much for emotional support animals

Considering our recent discussion of emotional support animals (ESA’s), I couldn’t help laughing at yesterday’s Pearls Before Swine comic strip.  Click the image for a larger version at the comic’s Web page. I still think the best ESA story I’ve ever heard of comes from the boss of Dreadnaught Industries here in Texas.  He registered… Continue reading So much for emotional support animals