This looks really interesting!

I see that the long-awaited Museum of the American Revolution has opened in Philadelphia.

OK, that goes on my bucket list right now.  I’ve seen lots of American museums, and I’m intensely interested in our nation’s history.  I’ve never understood why there was no museum dedicated to the American Revolution as a whole, rather than local or regional aspects of it.  This new museum remedies that.  I think it’ll be well worth a visit – even if one does have to go to Philadelphia to do so . . .



  1. While you are there, it is worth seeing other sites from the era, like Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Valley Forge, etc. At that time, Philadelphia was the linch pin of the colonies, not NYC, and DC didn't even exist yet.

  2. But will any young people learn anything from it?
    I would love to go. Not sure about hubby. But as you say, Philadelphia. Might as well say New York…

    Thank you for the post. Much appreciated.

  3. At the time, Philadelphia was the second largest English city in the world. Major center for industry, science, arts, etc. It was the strategic prize.

    Much of the area has been a collection of colonial and Rev War museums to decades. Don't forget Bartram's Botanical Gardens, College of Medicine.

    Brings back memories. I recall touching the Liberty Bell on its mount in Independence Hall. Incredible feeling to touch history like that.

  4. I know this retired sailor who lives in Philly and would be tickled to provide housing and guide services when you get here.

    Old NFO has my contact information.

    I can also remember when the Liberty Bell was on display at Independence Hall and you could touch it.

    And we are an easy day trip from Gettysburg.

  5. Thanks for the post. I might not have known otherwise. As an "Appleseeder" I am crazy about the Revolutionary War.

  6. Even ignoring its historical significance, Valley Forge is a flat-out nice park for taking a walk, short or long. I was attending an event in the area and took a break for a nice, long walk about the area. It was a near-perfect day in late May, warm with a very light breeze, and just late enough in the day that sun lit the place in a golden glow as I was finishing.

  7. "I see that the long-awaited Museum of the American Revolution has opened in Philadelphia."

    Don't go to stupid places… doh!

    Didn't you write some posts in the past year or two about cities like Philly and flash mobs and other such threats to the good citizens of this country?

    I suppose maybe it wouldn't be such a bad place at 5am?

  8. @ Clinton J: I did indeed write such posts . . . which is why I said "even if one does have to go to Philadelphia". I would greatly prefer not to have to go there, or to any big city, in the current political, social and cultural (?) climate. Unfortunately, if I want to see the museum, I have to . . .


  9. As a native of that place, do not go. Also, why go to a "museum" when they do not even know the correct name for the action. It was not a revolution, it was a war for Independence. That is a distinction with a difference. A revolution seeks to displace the current government and establish its own.

    That was not the founder's intent, nor does the DoI speak in that fashion. This was a severing of ties from a government that they had no desire to overthrow. They intended to separate and establish their own, not overthrow the King.

    Regarding Philadelphia, it is much more dangerous than you would be meant to believe. I know it intimately at a street level; you will take your life in your hand by simply walking. The former "safe" areas (center city, Rittenhouse Square, etc) are no longer. The north and west walls have been breached and there are now regular forays into victim rich zones of commerce and tourism.

    PPD has been neutered by cultural displacement in the force, and by survival instincts of the post-Ferguson era. It, like all major cities populated with a sub-culture that is largely exempt from normal civil society controls, is now lost and will continue to spiral downward.

  10. Peter,

    The short answer of "I've never understood why there was no museum dedicated to the American Revolution as a whole…" is "The Civil War".

    That war caused an almost complete re-casting of the Revolutionary War, placing nearly all the emphasis on activities in and by the Northern States. Paul Revere's Ride was tiny footnotes in 1840, but a Big Deal in 1860 as the historical shift began.

    Jamestown almost vanished from popular history. Not from a nefarious plot, but because of strong feelings from the war.

    That means that one could not fund or create a National Revolution War museum, because one place could not cover the different histories.

    Since we have now had 30 years or so of public education with little teaching of actual history, one can now build a museum about almost any topic, because few in the public have any idea of what has really happened.

    Perhaps ineffective education actually has some advantages.

    Glen in Texas

  11. Enjoy the visit. Just like anyhere else, pay attention and you will be safe. While you visit be sure to see the art museum and boat house row at night. And wash down that cheese steak sandwich with a $2 bottle soda and $12 pack if cigarettes. Dems run the city.

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