Tired puppy

It’s been a long day.  My back’s giving me merry hell;  my eyes are seeing double after hours and hours and hours of scanning prison-related photographs, trying to identify a cover image for my forthcoming memoir of prison chaplaincy;  and the dog’s farting, making a gas mask a vital computer accessory!

I’ll put up more blog posts tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, to give you something to appreciate your bed more, here’s a San Francisco architect who’s converted a dumpster into a bedroom!  Apparently it’s the real deal – he uses it when he visits New York.

More details at the link.  Personally, I’d prefer something more substantial, where anything hitting the outside won’t sound like the Last Trump!



  1. Right, nice enough to where someone would like to live in it. Why not give the Obama some more great ideas for how to treat Americans. I's like to see him (either its creator or Obama, take your pick) actually live in it. I can just see this as government mandated housing for the masses someday soon.

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