‘War To The Knife’ it is

Thanks to everyone who responded to my request last night, both in a comment to that post and in e-mails.  I think I’m going to go ahead and use ‘War To The Knife‘ as the title of my latest novel.  It’s not familiar to many respondents, but enough have said that they know it and/or that it would arouse their interest to make it worth using, IMHO.  I may follow one person’s suggestion and explain the term in the blurb.  We’ll see what Miss D. has to say about that (she’s the world’s fiercest blurb critic!).

Now to edit the manuscript, incorporate all the feedback from my alpha and beta readers, and get it ready.  Oleg and I will get together next weekend to finalize the cover (I’ve already picked out the art), and it’ll ‘go live’ sometime the following week.  Watch this space for more details!  It’s a lot of work doing everything myself, but it’s also fun.  I can control the entire creative process and work as fast (or as slowly) as I like.  That’s a lot better than having to depend on a publisher to fit in your book among all the others they’re trying to prepare and promote, and probably not giving you much of a priority if you’re not one of their best-selling authors.

I think this book’s my best yet, and my readers have said much the same thing.  I hope you’ll enjoy it.



  1. I thought it was a two-part phrase; seem to recall '…and the knife to the hilt' being involved.

  2. I'd never heard the phase used in the US. I did just read about where it came from in Max Boot's 'Invisible Armies', a history of guerrilla warfare, as he recounted the siege of Zaragoza, Spain by the French in 1808. Quite the story of resistance by a population. As Boot reports, the French commander sent a message demanding "peace and capitulation". The rely was to the point, "War even to the knife".

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