Welcoming a newborn elephant

I was delighted to see video of a newborn baby elephant taking its first steps at the Londolozi Private Game Reserve in South Africa.  I know Londolozi well – or rather, I used to back when I still lived in that country.  I’ve seen this elephant behavior before on several occasions.  You can read about the event here.

I suggest watching the video in full-screen mode.

Another thing:  if you see elephant behavior like that – the tightly clustering females, I mean – get the hell out of their way!  They’re being very maternal and loving towards the baby . . . and that means they’re absolutely deadly to anything and anyone they consider might represent any threat at all.  I’ve personally seen a lion about fifteen feet across and one inch thick in the Kruger National Park.  According to the ranger with us, it had probably decided it was going to snack on a little Mtoto (baby elephant) – and Mtoto’s mommy had decided it wasn’t.  Guess who won?


1 comment

  1. I've seen similar behavior among bison in Yellowstone NP. A very attentive coyote kept well away from all the fuss. In my case, however, the calf was stillborn. First all the cows but mom drifted off. Eventually mom did too. The coyote moved in. When I passed the location again an hour later nothing was left but a stained spot in the grass.

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