Well said!

The blog ‘No Lawyers – Only Guns And Money‘ noted today that HiViz Shooting Systems, a Colorado-based company, is planning to leave that state following Governor Hickenlooper’s signature of draconian gun control legislation.  Readers were invited to write to the Governor to express their displeasure.  In response, reader Kalashnikat posted this.

Dear Governor Hickenlooper,

By signing the recent spate of ill-considered and badly-written gun control legislation, on the pretext of responding to recent mass shootings including Aurora and Newtown/SandyHook, you have failed to address the real dangers, and are simply enacting “feel-good” measures whose only real effect will be harassing, inconveniencing, restricting and denying freedom to the law-abiding, on a patently false pretext.

. . .

Nothing in any of this recent legislation would even remotely conceivably have prevented any of these recent mass shootings, and you have pointedly ignored these two characteristics and focused on things that infringe on the rights and freedoms of hundreds of thousands of lifetime-law-abiding gunowners and their families, …and which potentially create a body of records which can, and likely will, be used in the future as a registry of weapons which would enable confiscation. You have also taken these steps knowing that there would be a significant negative economic impact on jobs in manufacturing, hunting, tourism and other industries, causing jobs and people to either leave Colorado or avoid coming here to begin with.

As in the Easter story, with Judas’ thirty pieces of silver, you have chosen to side with the Bloomberg lobbyists and their money rather than with the wishes and legal rights of the people of Colorado, and you fully deserve to be recalled at the earliest opportunity.

Your legacy as Governor now includes a clear and concrete betrayal of your oath to uphold and defend the Constitutions of both the State and the Nation. You deserve to forfeit your office, your reputation for integrity (if a mere political hack can be said to have such a thing), and your future political career, and I (and many other Coloradans) will happily spend my time and resources in an effort to bring about exactly that end.

You can read the rest at the link.

Well said!  Well said indeed!  I hope sufficient Coloradans join Kalashnikat to ensure that Governor Hickenlooper, and all those state legislators who denied or ignored the overwhelmingly expressed consensus of residents opposing this legislation, find their political careers – and any other opportunities to meddle with public administration and/or control – terminated as quickly as possible.


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