A burglar brought down by a blowhard (sort of)

I had to smile at this news from Kingsport, Tennessee (with a tip o’ the hat to reader Dwight for forwarding me the link).  Tornadoes rolled through the area last weekend, and one of them helped solve a crime in the process.  A good citizen went to help his neighbors clean up their storm damage, when:

“The first thing [Mr. Cleek] noticed was this bright red air compressor that he just reported stolen the day before, so obviously his eye was drawn to it,” says Thomas Patton with the Kingsport Police Department.

. . .

“Basically the end result was we were able to solve two burglaries out of this damage from the tornado,” says Patton.

There’s more at the link.

I guess the tornado brought down the burglar by being a blowhard . . .


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