Doofus Of The Day #579

Today’s award goes to the national police force of New Zealand.

Kim Dotcom, the founder of file-sharing website, may have had his property confiscated illegally.

The internet millionaire had his property and money seized when he was arrested at his New Zealand mansion in January. Dotcom was held for a month before being released on bail.

On Friday, a New Zealand judge ruled that the court order under which Dotcom’s property was seized was “null and void”. Police had admitted to a “procedural error” when filing documents under which Dotcom’s property was seized, the New Zealand Herald reported.

A new ruling is expected from Justice Judith Potter to determine whether Dotcom’s property should be returned to him.

US authorities claim Megaupload cost movie makers and songwriters some half a billion dollars in lost copyright revenue. They are trying to extradite Dotcom, 28, and three of his colleagues on racketeering charges.

New Zealand authorities have seized millions of dollars in investments and assets owned by Dotcom, including luxury cars and artworks.

There’s more at the link.

Gee, guys . . . when you’re trying to recover the proceeds of alleged racketeering, reportedly amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars, don’t you think a bit more attention to detail in your court application for search and seizure warrants might perhaps be appropriate?



  1. I know what he did was, technically speaking, illegal, but I have a very hard time getting all worked up over it.

  2. Gee, guys . . . when you're trying to recover the proceeds of alleged racketeering, reportedly amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars, DON'T YOU THINK THAT SOME JUDGE, SOMEWHERE, WOULD MAKE THE GOVERNMENT COUGH UP THE PROPERTY IT STOLE?

    Or can I put together a false, incorrect "warrant and go out and get the stuff my neighbor has?

    I mena, what's good for the goose . . .

  3. I don't care if they are after a billionaire or a two-bit thief. If they are getting a warrant they need to be accurate, PERIOD.

    Law Enforcement errors with a pen and pencil that led to errors with loaded weapons have already had disastrous consequences and it's about time they paid attention no matter who it is they are screwing.

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