How federal government can overload local authorities

We often fail to think about how action at a national or state level can overload local resources and facilities.  A good example is law enforcement in Brooks County, Texas, which is too far from the Mexican border to qualify for federal aid, but close enough to it to be overwhelmed with illegal aliens.  With resources already stretched to the limit, the Sheriff’s Office is battling to cope – frankly, it’s not able to cope.  You can read all about it here.  It’s worth your time.

(As an aside, I know that area fairly well – in fact, I based parts of my most recent novel, ‘War to the Knife‘, on my memories of the towns, terrain and people there.)

This overload is playing out all over the country as the current illegal alien crisis mushrooms.  The federal government is moving them to states and cities all across America, often without any notice to local authorities.  Within weeks they’re going to show up in local schools, and demand support on local welfare rolls – all without any compensation from Washington.  Frankly, I think states would be entirely justified in rounding them up, shipping them all under guard to Washington D.C., and dropping them at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  They can issue them all with labels marked, “Returned to sender!”



  1. It is not just the illegal immigration crisis.
    I had an interesting chat with our town's first selectman the other day. (small CT town) He was of the opinion that small town government is looking at extinction, because the sheer overload of state/federal rules and regulations is making it impossible for the town to get anything done. Except, of course, spend their time (and the taxpayers money) box-checking for the feds.

  2. It seems to be too effective to be mere incompetence. I think we are faced with the probability that this is a deliberact act to destroy what's left of this country.

    BTW Where's the sequel to War to the Knife? I'm starting to get the DT's man.

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