Ow! redux

Had the stent taken out this morning.  Not fun.  I do not recommend this to my readers and friends.

I hope things will continue to improve from here on out.  There are only a couple of weeks until Blogorado, and Miss D. and I have every intention of being there!

(I have to give a shout-out to my wife over this whole thing.  She’s been a tower of strength, coping with my suddenly reduced capacity for movement, my much higher levels of pain, and my inability to help her do almost anything.  I know it’s been a big strain on her, but she’s come through nobly.  She’s a blessing.  Thanks, love!)



  1. Been there, man. I feel your pain. No really, just _thinking_ the words "kidney stone" makes my side start to hurt. I hope you recover soon.

  2. Best wishes and our hopes for a quick recovery.
    I feel your pain. There is nothing like it.
    Approaching 50 myself and it feels like my body is constantly finding ways of coming up with new and inventive ways to pinch, bite or burn in places I didn't know could be pinched, bitten or burned.

    Best wishes my friend. Tell the wife we said "hi" and hope you're feeling better.

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