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Sad Puppies, loud giggles, and a new book

Back in 2015, I called for a boycott of Tor Books, because one of that company’s editors made scurrilous and completely untrue remarks.  Despite efforts to get the company to deal with the situation, that wasn’t done to anyone’s satisfaction.  (You can read all my posts about the issue, in reverse chronological order, by clicking this… Continue reading Sad Puppies, loud giggles, and a new book

Why did I publish through Castalia House?

That’s a question I knew I’d be asked on the publication of my Western novel.  It’s actually a little disingenuous, because what the questioner(s) really mean is, “Why did you publish with Vox Day?” Vox, a.k.a. Theodore Beale, the Managing Editor of Castalia House, is one of the most hated and vilified members of the… Continue reading Why did I publish through Castalia House?

The Tor boycott is on

So, in the end, we have a company, Tor (and its holding company, Macmillan) that is/are apparently unwilling to take responsibility for the misdeeds of its employees, their misuse of corporate time and resources during those misdeeds, and their deliberate slander, libel and lying about a large part of the fan base upon which that… Continue reading The Tor boycott is on

An appeal for help to all my readers

I’m sure you’ve been reading my posts about the Tor debacle over the past days.  It’s time for action, and I’d be very grateful if each of you would please help by sending one e-mail separately to three different addresses tomorrow. Vox Day came up with the idea.  Note that I’m not one of his… Continue reading An appeal for help to all my readers

Tor-ments and Tor-tures

It’s been an interesting day.  As I expected, I returned home yesterday to find a number of e-mails waiting for me relating to the controversy over Irene Gallo and Tor.  I’ve spent today e-mailing back and forth with a few people, and I’ll share some of those discussions with you this evening. First, a number… Continue reading Tor-ments and Tor-tures