Yet another reason to continue boycotting Tor Books

Readers will recall that some months ago, I called for a boycott of Tor Books.  Since the company has taken no action (publicly, at least) over my concerns, that call remains in force;  and, judging by what I hear from industry insiders about the latest quarterly results (there and elsewhere), it seems to be having… Continue reading Yet another reason to continue boycotting Tor Books

The Tor boycott really is having an impact

Readers will recall that a few months ago, I called for a boycott of Tor Books over the unconscionable attitudes and behavior of some of its senior personnel.  Opponents of the boycott have made fun of it ever since, insisting that it’s having little or no impact, whereas others – whose figures and ‘inside knowledge’… Continue reading The Tor boycott really is having an impact

“Are we there yet? Huh? Are we?”

Readers will doubtless recall that question from youngsters on long car journeys.  They had no idea of time, no patience, and an endless supply of “I want it my way!  Now!” That attitude seems to be afflicting SJW author Jason Sanford, who can’t wait to debunk the boycott of Tor Books that I and others… Continue reading “Are we there yet? Huh? Are we?”

The clearest possible proof that the Tor boycott is working . . .

. . . is that out of nowhere, no less a personage than George R. R. Martin, author of the best-selling fantasy series since sliced bread (since spun off into the TV series ‘Game Of Thrones‘), has denounced the boycott and publicly begged his readers to buy Tor books.  He’s done so while being less… Continue reading The clearest possible proof that the Tor boycott is working . . .

The state of the Tor boycott (and SJW’s)

I guess it’s time to post an update on what’s been happening with regard to the Tor boycott. I had the opportunity to discuss the situation at considerable length with a large number of people at LibertyCon over the weekend.  (I was humbled by the number who thanked me for speaking up about the situation… Continue reading The state of the Tor boycott (and SJW’s)

A succinct commentary on Tor’s current problems

Francis Turner has an interesting personal insight into what’s going on at Tor these days, and the nature of the real (as opposed to public relations) problems confronting the company.  Here’s a brief excerpt. The good thing (in the faint silver-ish lining of the thunder-cloud category) about the Sad Puppies affair and the resulting fall… Continue reading A succinct commentary on Tor’s current problems

The latest development in the Tor boycott

Vox Day has asked his supporters to send physical letters to Tor and its parent company, Macmillan, over and above the e-mails that were sent last week.  You’ll find the details over at his blog. He wants Irene Gallo fired or forced to resign from Tor.  I haven’t gone that far:  in fact, I’ve specifically… Continue reading The latest development in the Tor boycott

Latest developments over the Tor imbroglio

It’s been an interesting weekend, watching and reading the comments flowing from both sides of the debate over the Tor boycott.  I’m no longer surprised by it, having seen so much of it, but I’m nevertheless at a loss to explain the sheer, unbridled lack of sanity and common sense exhibited by so many of… Continue reading Latest developments over the Tor imbroglio

Moshe Feder doubles down (again) on the lies

Friends, I give you Moshe Feder on Facebook earlier today: Read his first sentence. Now, read it again. It’s a lie.  It’s a bare-faced, out-and-out falsehood.  He’s lying in public, and he appears to believe he’ll be allowed to get away with it. The boycott of Tor has nothing whatsoever to do with “the efforts… Continue reading Moshe Feder doubles down (again) on the lies

The Tor boycott is on

So, in the end, we have a company, Tor (and its holding company, Macmillan) that is/are apparently unwilling to take responsibility for the misdeeds of its employees, their misuse of corporate time and resources during those misdeeds, and their deliberate slander, libel and lying about a large part of the fan base upon which that… Continue reading The Tor boycott is on