Some exciting news is brewing

Remember the teaser chapter from my Western novel that I posted last Saturday, and my follow-up post about the feedback I received?

As a result of your feedback, I’ve decided to make my protagonist’s speech less ‘dialect’ and ‘vernacular’, giving him a speech style typical of a high-school-educated Southern man of the Civil War era, but not the ‘upper crust’ of Southern society.  However, I’m going to leave the speech of those around him – former slaves, teamsters and drovers, cowboys, and so on – in the vernacular, partly as a contrast, partly for the authenticity I strive for, partly because the combination seems to work pretty well (according to feedback I’ve received on the changes so far).

What’s more, as a result of posting that chapter, and your feedback, I’ve received an initial contract offer from a publisher for not just one, but three Westerns.  I’m discussing it with them at the moment.  They’re excited about helping to revive a moribund genre, and I’m excited about being in on the ground floor of their efforts.  Things are looking very promising.  Expect an update within a few weeks about that, as events are moving surprisingly quickly.  I’m stoked!

Watch this space for more information.  (Puts on cowboy hat and spurs, twirls rope.)  Yee-haw!



  1. I was always a sucker for Louis L'amour books. Particularly the Sackett Family books set before the Revolution, a fun time in history… And the weird unexplained stuff that Jubal Sackett ran into piqued my interest in that sort of thing.

    Your sample sounded quite promising, so I'm pretty excited about the potential of some full length books in the future.

  2. Hey Peter;


    I not only read Space Opera's I also like to read and watch Westerns…. 🙂

    We your loyal readers will of course buy what you write. Again Good going.

  3. Publishers = little money at 15%

    Amazon self published is 70%

    Why go the publisher route?

    Sarah's comment was baen is family, which I respect…

  4. Hey Peter !! Very good -liked the sample/ reminded me of Louis L'Amour books! Of which I have all of and Zane Grey. Keep us posted and good luck

  5. interested because of research and authenticity. makes history better understood than textbooks, which don't always ring true.

    hope to learn much that is factual about the era from your books.
    p.s. don't like science fiction!
    glad you are branching out.

  6. Congrats and all, but please don't forget Maxwell and the "fantasy" – you've already promised them prior to the western gig!

  7. What about a rip in the fabric of time and Maxwell finds himself in the mid 1800s? 😉

    Anyway, sincere congratulations.

  8. I'll be interested to see these when they are ready. I'm a long time fan of the western genre, both print and film, as well as a reenactor of the period. I can't wait to see the finished product.

  9. I'm not a big Western fan, but your sample definitely got my attention. Looking forward to seeing the whole thing, and congrats on the pending deal!

  10. Holy cats! Congratulations! Make sure you have a good IP lawyer (not an agent, or general practice lawyer) go over the contract before signing it. Publishers seem to be getting very tricky and possessive of IP rights nowadays.

  11. Many decades ago, I was a voracious reader of Louis L'Amour westerns. The local library had dozens & dozens of his books, if I recall correctly, and I'm pretty sure I read every one of 'em.

    I mention this because reading that chapter you published conjured up the kind of enjoyment I used to get back then, when absorbed in a good story. I'm looking forward to your book.

  12. Sweet! Westerns are some of my favorite books. Agreed on the not sure why you're going with a publisher, though Westerns might have a larger physical audience than digital still.

  13. Peter when considering your concern for the use of historically correct speech patterns and terms I would direct you to the writings of Patrick O'Brian. The Aubrey/Maturin books are replete with period accurate speech forms, plus highly technical naval and medical terms. Please don't be to quick to abandon the authentic.


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