Someone needs to use a clue-by-four on this idiot!

I hope my readers in North Carolina have taken note of the unconscionably dictatorial attitude expressed by State Senator Tommy Tucker.  The Huffington Post reports:

A State and Local Government Committee of the state Senate held a meeting on legislation to allow county and municipal governments to publish public notices only on their websites became heated when a local newspaper publisher sought a recorded vote on the bill, the Raleigh News and Observer reported. Hal Tanner, publisher of the Goldsboro News-Argus, had argued that a voice vote showed the bill failing by one vote, while committee co-chairman Sen. Tommy Tucker (R-Waxhaw) said the bill had passed and the rules did not allow for a recorded vote. During the dispute with Tanner, Tucker proceeded to tell the publisher that it was not his place to comment.

“I am the senator, you are the citizen. You need to be quiet,” Tucker said.

The Charlotte Observer reported that three other people in the room had confirmed Tucker’s statement; but Tucker told the News and Observer that was not his remark and that Tanner had slighted the committee’s integrity, and he had taken it “personally.” Tucker said that he told Tanner, “I’m the senator here, let me finish.”

Earlier this month, an opponent of legislation to require drug testing of public benefit recipients was told by Tucker to “sit down” during a committee hearing, WRAL reported on its website.

“You’re okay with (drug users) getting federal dollars if they’ve had a doobie and get the munchies and need more food stamps?” Tucker said during the April 9 meeting. “Sit down.”

There’s more at the link.  Bold print is my emphasis.

I hope readers will contact Senator Tucker to remind him that he’s a servant of the people, not their master;  and that his status as a Senator is dependent on the will (and goodwill) of the electorate.  One hopes they’ll exercise better judgment at the next election, and replace him.


1 comment

  1. Voice votes need to be 'outlawed'. We should be able to go to a webpage for ANY bill, either in the State or Federal government and see who voted and which way.

    This voice vote is a method to 'disguise' the actual voting taking place.

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