Forbes has a worthwhile analysis of Twitter’s latest moves towards open, outright censorship of its users. Earlier this morning social media and the tech press lit up with reports of users across Twitter receiving half day suspensions en masse as the platform abruptly rolled out its decade-overdue hate speech filter to its platform. The company… Continue reading Twitter is becoming an ‘Orwellian nightmare’
Tag: Censorship
How social media censors what you see and hear
On his blog, Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, explains how social media – particularly Twitter – ‘throttles’ news they don’t want disseminated, or that offends against their particular world view. He calls it ‘The Social Media Hive Mind‘. This morning I tweeted a link to a great video that describes in detail how Twitter “throttles”… Continue reading How social media censors what you see and hear
Just ask China how to handle “fake news” . . .
. . . whether it’s actually “fake” or merely “politically incorrect”. PC World reports: The current debate over fake online news has one country feeling vindicated: China. For years, its controversial censorship system has been cracking down on so-called “online rumors,” and last week a state-controlled newspaper essentially told the U.S., “I told you so.”… Continue reading Just ask China how to handle “fake news” . . .
It’s about time!
I’m delighted to see that President-elect Trump is not changing his tune when it comes to the press. The New York Post reports: Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post. “It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter. “Trump… Continue reading It’s about time!
Twitter’s ideological censors jump the shark
Twitter’s censorship of any conservative or right-wing opinions appears to have become blatant and ostentatious. They clearly don’t care about upsetting anyone on that side of the political spectrum. Of course, being a private company, Twitter can implement whatever policies it wants; but for those of us who believe that freedom of speech is important,… Continue reading Twitter’s ideological censors jump the shark