This sounds suspiciously close to deliberate medical murder

  I’m profoundly conflicted, as a human being and as a Christian, by this news from the medical front. With little attention or debate, transplant surgeons across the country are experimenting with a kind of partial resurrection: They’re allowing terminal patients to die, then restarting their hearts while clamping off blood flow to their brains.… Continue reading This sounds suspiciously close to deliberate medical murder

We’ve let the rule of law slip through our fingers

  Karl Denninger comments, in his usual trenchant fashion, about the need to reassert the rule of law.  Emphasis below is in the original. There is no answer to any of the issues we have as a nation if we do not restore The Rule of Law.  And, virtually every one of our major societal… Continue reading We’ve let the rule of law slip through our fingers

An interesting perspective on morals and virtues

  Larry Lambert published this very interesting diagram on his blog the other day.  Clickit to biggit. I found it intriguing, and looked for more information.  It comes from a Christian academic paper authored by James D. Lanctot and Justin A. Irving, titled “Character and Leadership: Situating Servant Leadership in a Proposed Virtues Framework“.  (It was… Continue reading An interesting perspective on morals and virtues

So, when is Mitt Romney going to apologize?

  Readers may recall that in March, former Congressional representative Tulsi Gabbard claimed that the USA was funding more than 25 biolabs in Ukraine, conducting research on “deadly pathogens”.  In response, Senator Mitt Romney immediately accused her of “parroting false Russian propaganda” and spreading “treasonous lies”. Well . . . guess what?  The Pentagon on Thursday… Continue reading So, when is Mitt Romney going to apologize?

When human life loses its meaning and value, euthanasia becomes just another cost-saving measure

  That, at least, is what appears to be happening in Canada. Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their… Continue reading When human life loses its meaning and value, euthanasia becomes just another cost-saving measure

An alternative view on the transgender dilemma

  On Monday I published an article in my intermittent “Doofus Of The Day” series, highlighting a trans woman (i.e. a man “transitioning” to “become” a woman) who complained of period pains, despite having none of the plumbing, body parts or nerves necessary to experience them.  I also made it clear that in general, I… Continue reading An alternative view on the transgender dilemma

Big Brother’s going to love this, but it scares the hell out of me

  An ominous article in National Geographic is titled “The controversial quest to make a ‘contagious’ vaccine“. Imagine a cure that’s as contagious as the disease it fights—a vaccine that could replicate in a host’s body and spread to others nearby, quickly and easily protecting a whole population from microbial attacks. That’s the goal of… Continue reading Big Brother’s going to love this, but it scares the hell out of me

A failed city and its failed residents – but who failed first?

  Fox News has a fascinating investigative TV report and a series of articles about murder in Washington D.C.  The four articles published thus far are: Only 42% of DC murder cases were closed after anti-police movement and it could get worse, criminologists say. ‘Unfathomable’: Washington DC murder victims often killed over petty insults, experts… Continue reading A failed city and its failed residents – but who failed first?

Botox wars in the desert?

  It’s not often that a headline can make me do a double-take in disbelief, but this one certainly did. Dozens of Camels Ejected from Saudi Beauty Contest over Botox Huh??? Saudi Arabia’s popular King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, which kicked off earlier this month, invites the breeders of the most beautiful camels to compete for… Continue reading Botox wars in the desert?