If you use cooking oils, it’s time to stock up

  The drought that’s plaguing many US farmers and states is also hitting Europe’s agricultural sector very hard.  Among other crops, olives and sunflowers are being hammered.  The BBC reports: The fertile plains full of olive trees that stretch across southern Spain have made this country the world’s biggest producer of olive oil, accounting for… Continue reading If you use cooking oils, it’s time to stock up

Why are so many vegetarians/vegans so militant?

  I was driven to ask this question by an article in the Telegraph in London. An award-winning cafe has at hit out at “holier-than-thou” vegan customers saying they shouldn’t have to adapt their menu to “suit” customers who don’t eat animal products. The Kitchen at London House on the Isle of Wight went online… Continue reading Why are so many vegetarians/vegans so militant?

The anti-meat propaganda war is dialing up

  We’ve discussed on several occasions how the World Economic Forum’s “Build Back Better” initiative includes discouraging the use of meat, instead encouraging us to eat insects and their byproducts.  It’s noteworthy that many W.E.F. advocates (take a bow, Bill Gates) are investing in insect processing plants to produce such food . . . and… Continue reading The anti-meat propaganda war is dialing up

Alcohol as a factor in ocean exploration?

  I was interested – and amused – to learn that apple cider (the “hard” version, containing alcohol, rather than the “soft” version most Americans know) was a staple of early ocean exploration in one part of the world.  The BBC reports: As chateaux vineyards are to Bordeaux and single malt distilleries are to Speyside,… Continue reading Alcohol as a factor in ocean exploration?

About our meat supply…

  In an article last week, I said: I live in the heart of cattle country.  Texas agriculture is heavily oriented towards livestock.  I’m talking to those in the industry, and listening to what they have to say, and what I’m hearing is scary as hell.  Farmers are citing drought, fertilizer and pesticide shortages, supply… Continue reading About our meat supply…

“If the collective governments of the Western world were trying to impoverish and starve their own citizens, what exactly would they be doing differently?”

  That’s the question asked by Kit Knightly at Off-Guardian.  Writing about the farmers’ protests in the Netherlands, he points out: While the scheme is allegedly about limiting nitrogen and ammonia emissions from urine and manure it’s hard not to see this in the broader context of the ongoing created food crisis. The Netherlands produces… Continue reading “If the collective governments of the Western world were trying to impoverish and starve their own citizens, what exactly would they be doing differently?”

Climate change theory meets hard reality: the assault on fertilizers

  We’ve seen how, over the past several decades, “global warming” or “climate change” have become buzzwords for increasing attempts to regulate and control human behavior.  It used to be that proponents of a given philosophy or way of life would seek to be elected to office, then use that office to implement their plans… Continue reading Climate change theory meets hard reality: the assault on fertilizers

Food shortages may hit the USA much harder than we expected

  Most knowledgeable commenters have said, until now, that the USA, one of the most fertile and productive agricultural nations on earth, would be insulated to at least some extent from the famine that is increasingly impacting every nation on this planet.  However, lack of water and “truly biblical” swarms of insects may mean we… Continue reading Food shortages may hit the USA much harder than we expected

Far too much smoke for there not to be a fire

  I’m sure most of my readers have noted the enormous increase in fires and other accidents that have disabled food production facilities throughout the USA, and in other parts of the world.  The true extent of the problem has been masked by the scant attention paid to it in the mainstream media.  However, when… Continue reading Far too much smoke for there not to be a fire

Reading the signs of the times

  Some readers wonder why I place so much faith in Michael Yon‘s analysis of current events.  The reason is simple.  As most of you know, I worked for years in the Third World, and learned the hard way how things really are there – the deprivation and poverty, the corruption, the violence, the hopelessness. … Continue reading Reading the signs of the times