More of Ronald Searle’s St. Trinians cartoons

A few days ago I wrote about the death of Ronald Searle, one of the world’s great cartoonists. This evening I found a tribute article about him, written by his friend and fellow cartoonist Gerald Scarfe. It’s a good article, and worth reading in its own right; but I most enjoyed its selection of Ronald… Continue reading More of Ronald Searle’s St. Trinians cartoons

The man who ‘killed’ Obi-Wan Kenobi is dead

I’m sure almost every one of my readers has seen the original Star Wars movie. Here’s the scene where Obi-Wan Kenobi is killed in a light saber duel with Darth Vader. I’d always assumed that the actor playing Darth Vader in that scene was David Prowse, who usually portrayed the character in the first three… Continue reading The man who ‘killed’ Obi-Wan Kenobi is dead

In memoriam: Siobhan Reynolds

I was saddened to learn that Siobhan Reynolds, a controversial activist opposed to DEA and other law enforcement clampdowns on pain management medication and those who prescribe and administer it, has died in an aircraft crash. She was a fearless campaigner, one whose advocacy will be greatly missed. Her death is of particular interest to… Continue reading In memoriam: Siobhan Reynolds

Feel-good story of the week

I’m a sucker for news like this. Marine Scott Wood died four weeks ago after suffering injuries during combat in Iraq. Before his burial, his wife dressed him in two uniforms. On the outside, Scott wore his military dress blues. Underneath, he wore the blue No. 80 jersey of Houston Texans wide receiver Andre Johnson.… Continue reading Feel-good story of the week

In memoriam: Vaclav Havel

I was saddened to read today that Vaclav Havel, the Czech playwright and politician, has died. He was a seminal figure in what was then Czechoslovakia during the Cold War, and displayed courage, integrity and determination. He led the revolution that overthrew the Communist government of that state in 1989. The Telegraph says of him:… Continue reading In memoriam: Vaclav Havel

In memoriam: Anne McCaffrey

One of the grand masters of fantasy and science fiction writing has died. Anne McCaffrey wasn’t just the inventor of Pern, the world where a whole society is based on dragon-riding. She was also an incredibly influential author who helped transform the way science fiction and fantasy authors wrote about women, and the way all… Continue reading In memoriam: Anne McCaffrey

Armistice / Remembrance / Veteran’s Day 2011

I think I said all the important things last year at this time. Even so, let’s remember where this all started: Armistice Day, 1918. I’m obliged to the Daily Mail for publishing a series of photographs of the World War I battlefields as they are today. Here are a few examples. (Click the images for… Continue reading Armistice / Remembrance / Veteran’s Day 2011

We lost a good man last weekend

On Sunday, October 30th, Dr. William Zeus Bligh-Glover, MD, better known in the blogosphere as William the Coroner, died, apparently at home (I have no further details other than what I’ve learned at third hand). I’ve enjoyed his blog for many years, but never met him or spoke with him. Others did, and they’ve offered… Continue reading We lost a good man last weekend