Time to load the truck

Miss D. and I have done as much packing and preparation for our move as we can.  It’s not finished yet;  she and I are both partly disabled due to previous injuries, so we simply haven’t been able to accomplish as much as we’d have liked to, but we’ve done our best.  Thankfully, all the most important stuff is out of the way.  What’s left can be put to one side until we’ve loaded everything that’s ready to go.  The rest won’t take more than a few hours to break down, pack up and slide into the truck;  and we have enough dollies, hand trucks and other moving equipment to make it relatively easy.  We’ll finish the last bits and pieces tonight and tomorrow morning before we hit the road.

A good friend and his wife came around last night to help us disassemble the refrigerator (it’s a big unit, so the doors and some other bits and pieces have to come off to allow it to fit through standard doorways).  We’ll move it disassembled, and clean and reassemble it when we reach our new home.  We may have to ask for his help again tonight to deal with a couple of last-minute issues, but he’s the kind of guy we can rely on in fair weather or foul – the very best kind of friend to have!

I’ve just realized we still haven’t completed all the termination-of-service and change-of-address formalities with some of the companies whose services we use.  (Sigh . . . who was it said that the job isn’t over until the paperwork is done?)  I’ll ask Miss D. to tackle that this morning, while I get the moving truck and prepare other things for loading.  We’ve hired a couple of helpers, who’ll be here at one, so the afternoon will be a busy one.  By this evening I hope to have time to catch my breath – long enough to put up another blog post, at any rate, and probably take a painkiller, because my back will be screaming at me by then.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  It’s going to be a long, busy day.



  1. As everyone else has said, prayers for safe travels and traveling mercies on you. You're going to have as much to do once you get there as you did to get ready to move, but it will DONE and it will be HOME!

  2. We just finished moving across town. It has been trauma and a half. And I now have a 2 car garage filled with stuff that probably all needs to be thrown out. 🙁

    The saving grace is all my boys were there to help us move, and they brought friends. It wasn't always pretty, but nothing like having 5 or 6 healthy young men with a good work ethic to take some of the pain away.

    I can't image moving across country.

    Now I just need to start unpacking that stuff….

  3. "…unpacking that stuff." Heh, wife and I came back from overseas in 2005. I just started unpacking the last of the boxes from that move. Stuff I don't even remember buying is showing up – like five sets of ME tea/coffee service – little demi-tasse cups and saucers and spoons.

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