Watch China’s economy very carefully

In recent days I’ve highlighted warning signs coming from Japan and Europe.  It looks like they’re present in China as well.  The Telegraph reports:

China’s shadow banking system is out of control and under mounting stress as borrowers struggle to roll over short-term debts, Fitch Ratings has warned.

The agency said the scale of credit was so extreme that the country would find it very hard to grow its way out of the excesses as in past episodes, implying tougher times ahead.

“The credit-driven growth model is clearly falling apart. This could feed into a massive over-capacity problem, and potentially into a Japanese-style deflation,” said Charlene Chu, the agency’s senior director in Beijing.

“There is no transparency in the shadow banking system, and systemic risk is rising. We have no idea who the borrowers are, who the lenders are, and what the quality of assets is, and this undermines signalling,” she told The Daily Telegraph.

While the non-performing loan rate of the banks may look benign at just 1pc, this has become irrelevant as trusts, wealth-management funds, offshore vehicles and other forms of irregular lending make up over half of all new credit. “It means nothing if you can off-load any bad asset you want. A lot of the banking exposure to property is not booked as property,” she said.

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Fitch warned that wealth products worth $2 trillion of lending are in reality a “hidden second balance sheet” for banks, allowing them to circumvent loan curbs and dodge efforts by regulators to halt the excesses.

This niche is the epicentre of risk.

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Overall credit has jumped from $9 trillion to $23 trillion since the Lehman crisis. “They have replicated the entire US commercial banking system in five years,” she said.

The ratio of credit to GDP has jumped by 75 percentage points to 200pc of GDP, compared to roughly 40 points in the US over five years leading up to the subprime bubble, or in Japan before the Nikkei bubble burst in 1990. “This is beyond anything we have ever seen before in a large economy. We don’t know how this will play out. The next six months will be crucial,” she said.

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Wei Yao from Societe Generale says the debt service ratio of Chinese companies has reached 30pc of GDP – the typical threshold for financial crises — and many will not be able to pay interest or repay principal. She warned that the country could be on the verge of a “Minsky Moment“, when the debt pyramid collapses under its own weight.

There’s more at the link.  Bold, underlined text is my emphasis.

That’s precisely the problem.  In Japan, China and Europe – and, as we saw last week, here in the USA as well – we’re dealing with numbers the like of which have never before been seen in human history.  The headline to that Telegraph article claimed that China’s indebtedness was ‘unprecedented in modern world history’.  It sure is!  Global indebtedness and worldwide financial shell games are so over-extended that no-one knows for sure what’s going to happen next.  However, I’d hazard a guess that when the financial pigeons come home to roost, we’re all going to find out . . . and it’s looking more and more likely that they’re on their way right now, or will be very soon.


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