We stopped dreaming!

Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, whom we’ve met in these pages on several occasions, recently appeared on a television program with Bill Maher. He had a few choice words to say about the cuts to the US space exploration budget.

I couldn’t agree more. With all due deference (?) to President Hope ‘n Change, we need a damn sight more hope for the future than this planet alone can offer us – and we need to change our budget priorities to make sure we can get there!



  1. Obama…."Playing to the next election cycle".

    The guy's an honest, tell it like it is person.

    He's a scientist with a moral conscience NOT a two-faced" politician.

    Unfortunately, in today's, I want-gimmie-it's my human right world that's a handicap.

  2. I spent a couple of years visiting an Islamic forum. There was nothing they liked about the United States and nothing we could do right… except put a man on the Moon. That was the one thing they universally admired the U.S. for.

  3. I'll dissent a little here. The U.S. government has largely stopped caring about space travel, but Americans have not:

    Glorious 121,000' amateur rocket flight (Make Blog).

    Feynman's appendix to the report on the Challenger explosion has in any case significantly eroded my admiration of NASA. I'm just as happy to let people like John Carmack and Richard Branson drive space exploration, if we can only let them do it.

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