Working hard on Book 2

If my eyes look square, with lines of text scrolling across them, don’t worry – it’s just overwork on Book 2 of the Maxwell Saga, and the print edition of Book 1.  I finalized the print version of Book 2 today, and will upload the Kindle version tomorrow.  The print version of Book 1 goes up within the next day or two, and I’ll refresh the cover of the Kindle edition at the same time.  The estimated deadline to go live with everything is Monday 22nd July, but they may be up on Amazon prior to that date, if all goes well.  I then have to make sure that Amazon links the editions together, so that you can see both the Kindle and print editions of each book on the respective volumes’ home pages.  That’ll take a couple of days after everything’s uploaded, I’m told.

No rest for me after it’s all done – Book 3’s second rewrite is only about 10% completed, and I have a long way to go with it.  That’s due out in November or early December.  Prior to that, my prison chaplaincy memoir should be published in mid-September.  That’s more than 90% complete, but I still have to figure out a cover for it, and work with Oleg to get that set up.

Miss D. has been a big help through all the formatting, editing, correcting and setting-up of the past few weeks.  I surely couldn’t do all this without her!  I think I’m largely ‘over the hump’ as far as the learning curve goes with CreateSpace.  I might have to write a ‘lessons learned’ article about that, too!  There are all sorts of little things no-one tells you about, that you don’t think about for yourself, but discover the hard way when they affect the appearance of the finished product.  Frustrating!

Watch this space over the next few days for the announcement when Book 2 goes live.  You’ll see its cover appear in the sidebar as well, below the first volume.



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