Bombs planned for Ferguson?

It’s reported that the FBI has arrested two would-be bomb-makers who were planning to use explosives to disrupt demonstrations in Ferguson, MO.

… two men described as reputed members of a militant group called the New Black Panther Party, were arrested in the St. Louis area in an FBI sting operation.

As initially reported by CBS News, the men were suspected of acquiring explosives for pipe bombs that they planned to set off during protests in Ferguson, according to the official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the case.

The official said the two men are the same pair named in a newly unsealed federal indictment returned on Nov. 19 charging Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis with purchasing two pistols from a firearms dealer under false pretenses.

There’s more at the link.

The New Black Panther Party again?  They’re the bozos who were accused of voter intimidation some years ago.  If they have explosions in mind, here’s just the transport they – or, rather, we – need.  This Volkswagen advertisement goes back a few years.



  1. Given the history of the FBI and entrapment for terrorist arrests for the last ten years I will take this with a gran of salt

  2. Shouldn't we ask, given the past performance of the FBI and most police agencies, if perhaps, just perhaps, these miscreants got their idea from an undercover agent?

    And if so, was it a trojan horse ply gone wrong, or was the intent to create an "incident", which failed?

  3. What you bet? That "explosive" comes out to be Pyrodex, Black powder, smokeless gunpowder, or just sand or modeling clay. With the FBI's reputation for fabricating evidence——Ray

  4. On the flip side, why hasn't the New Black Panther Party been declared a terrorist organization? Or is that designation only reserved for whites and Arabs?

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