1. It's no wonder whatsoever that Imperial Stormtroopers are such lousy shots – that "shoot-from-the-hip" "gangsta"-style crap only works usefully for short-barreled shotguns, an then only at VERY close range. It's absolutely ineffectual with phaser rifles, no matter how many li'l red-hot ball-"bolts" get pumped-out.

    Put it up there at eye level an' use the sighting system, dummy! Whatd'ya think it's for, anyway?

  2. OMG, if you are a better shot??? Should this mean their preferred means of contact with the public will be the barrel of a gun? Ya, funny video and all, but c'mon. I suspect the real men of genius who put this together are the same who seek to inculcate the 'troopers to seeing the public as rebel forces. Come on down, join the dark side! That's a Hollywood-size FAIL.

    To the previous Anonymous: I know an old cow hand, who is also a firearms instructor, who includes in his instruction how to shoot from the hip. He is a dead eye out to 25 yards every time. His students too.

  3. "OMG, if you are a better shot??? Should this mean their preferred means of contact with the public will be the barrel of a gun? Ya, funny video and all, but c'mon."

    I will second this.

    I was sort of hoping the ad would be a humorous take on NOT solving every problem with a gun.

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