Russia, the Ukraine, and US interests – the reality


Well, as was all too predictable, Russia has recognized the independence of the breakaway Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, and has sent troops “at their request” to “safeguard Russian people within their borders” – or whatever the excuse du jour may be.

Frankly, I don’t blame the Russians.  I’m not saying I support them, but I understand why President Putin has done this.  Last year he published an article titled “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians“, in which he analyzed in depth – from the Russian point of view, of course – why Ukraine was a natural partner of Russia, and denounced the deliberate efforts made by outside influences (take a bow, President Obama) to drive a wedge between them.  It’s worth reading that article in full to get some background on his position, and Russia’s.  I don’t think it’s all true – there’s as much propaganda in it as there is in the yammering of the Biden administration about the issue – but there’s nevertheless a great deal of fact in it, which we’d do well to remember.  Read it with a discriminating, informed eye.

It’s undeniable that the USA played a major role in fomenting the 2014 coup that overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine and replaced him with a far more pro-Western figure.  For more information, see a very in-depth article (undoubtedly biased towards the Russian point of view, but nevertheless containing a lot of solid, hard fact that can be verified) titled “How and why the U.S. Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine“.  The role of Senators McCain and Murphy, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, has been openly discussed for years.

It’s not the first time this country interfered in post-Soviet Eastern Europe, and it certainly wasn’t the last.  The most recent example appears to have been the failed “color revolution” attempt in Kazakhstan at the beginning of this year.

Virtually no one knows about it. But last December, another coup was discreetly thwarted in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. Kyrgyz intel sources attribute the engineering to a rash of NGOs linked with Britain and Turkey.

That introduces an absolutely key facet of The Big Picture: NATO-linked intel and their assets may have been preparing a simultaneous color revolution offensive across Central Asia.

On my Central Asia travels in late 2019, pre-Covid, it was plain to see how western NGOs – Hybrid War fronts – remained extremely powerful in both Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Yet, they are just one nexus in a western nebulae of Hybrid War fog deployed across Central Asia, and West Asia for that matter. Here we see the CIA and the US Deep State crisscrossing MI6 and different strands of Turkish intel.

There’s more at the link.  Again, it’s a pro-Russian source, but concentrate on the hard facts that can be verified.  They add up to a mountain of evidence.  If you follow the work of US and European NGO’s (non-governmental organizations), it’s very clear many of them are being financed by the same sources and working to a coordinated plan of action.  They’re not just working for the good of the local people, but for unnamed, invisible influences elsewhere.

Given the torrents of propaganda being unleashed by both sides in the Ukraine imbroglio, it’s very difficult to know which side is “right” and which is “wrong”.  As far as I’m concerned, Ukraine is so endemically corrupt that it’s impossible to trust or believe anything its government says.  Never forget that President Biden and his family made at least millions, and potentially hundreds of millions, out of that nation through bribery, corruption and influence-peddling.  Remember what Biden said about his strong-arming the government there to abandon its investigation of his son’s corruption?

(If the embedding doesn’t work, you’ll find the video here.)

Put that alongside Hunter Biden’s infamous demand for “10% for the big guy” in connection with a Chinese business deal, and a lot of things become clearer.  It’s not just the Bidens, either.  As Sundance notes (bold, underlined text is my emphasis):

In the bigger picture I don’t think many Americans outside the DC beltway give a flip about internal Ukrainian squabbles and Russia’s support for the Eastern Ukrainian independence effort.  However, inside the DC beltway Ukraine is very important, stunningly important, because Ukraine functions as the corrupt money laundry operation for DC politicians to receive taxpayer kickbacks from their financial support into Ukraine.

Quite so.  If you want to know why the USA is so deeply invested in maintaining the current administration in Ukraine, follow the money – particularly the corrupt money – flowing to politicians and their families in the USA.  Look into how many children of US politicians are working in, with or for Ukrainian companies.  We’re talking potentially billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains.

Contrast that with President Putin’s statement on Russia’s recognition of the breakaway regions of Ukraine.  Go read it in full.  Sure, he’s peddling propaganda talking points along with facts – just like everybody else is doing.  Sift through the propaganda, ferret out the facts, and verify them.  (A good example of independent fact-checking and propaganda-debunking over the current situation in Donetsk and Luhansk may be found here.  It’s worth reading.)

Read Putin’s statement in the light of recent German revelations that Russia was, indeed, promised by the West in the early 1990’s that NATO would not expand eastward – a promise that was violated almost from the moment it was made.  For more information, see:

If I were in Russia’s shoes right now, I’d be feeling very threatened by European and American advances through Eastern Europe to my borders, despite those promises.  Ukraine would look like the last major domino to fall before potentially hostile forces lined my entire western border.  I’d do everything I could to prevent that, in my own national interest – so it’s very hard to blame President Putin for doing precisely that.

Some weeks ago I asked, “Someone please tell me: what compelling national security interest does the USA have in Ukraine???”  Nobody has yet answered that question to my satisfaction – probably because there isn’t a satisfactory answer.  Michael Yon has gone so far as to call the Ukraine crisis “a diversion” from our myriad internal problems.  I agree with him.  Just as President Xi can use Taiwan to distract Chinese from their country’s internal problems, and President Putin can use Ukraine for the same purpose, so the Biden administration is using it to drown out the other issues that plague us, and which they’re powerless and/or incompetent to solve.

I’ll leave the last word to Miggy at Gun Free Zone.

If I may make a suggestion, Could we send to Ukraine all those new military people with special adjective and pronouns with training in Gender Fluidity and Anti Transphobic legislation who are supposed to be better than true soldiers? The proof is in the pudding or rather, the battlefield.

Uh-huh.  From a previous post, here you are, Miggy:



  1. The Ukraine has always had strategic importance, but not to the United States. At this time, the only importance it has is to give the media a reason to divert their reporting from the domestic problems causing so many problems with the economy.

  2. I'm not disagreeing with anything you said in this post, but I would like to pass on a link that address the "Why does Ukraine matter?" question. (first link below)

    Snopes has 'fact-checked' the information and has this to say about it. (second link below)

    "Much of the data included in the viral "why Ukraine matters" posts were true. Some of the items on the list had become outdated, but more recent numbers still showed that the country had a strong standing in various categories of reserves, production, and exports. However, we were unable to find figures to confirm a few of the claims, and a small number of them were flat-out false."

    I don't want to get into a virtual debate about Ukraine, but I just thought you and your readers might find this information enlightening.

  3. Putin very conveniently forgets a few things like Holodomor that has been a large divisive factor between Russians and Ukrainians ever since Stalin. Stalin killed more Ukrainians than Hitler and they have not forgotten that.

    Actually the Eastern Slavic state got it's start in the area of present day Ukraine or if you ask Russians, north of it but started by the Vikings. Either way they don't like to be reminded of it.

    There are many people that think that the present hullabaloo is mostly meant for internal consumption in Russia but there very likely are logistic factors involving Crimea and just plain old Russian pride. Also the known factor of recreating bad ol' SU. Putin has in past also mentioned that any area once conquered by the the Russians still belongs to them no matter what happened in between. Slight echoes of Islamic attitudes there.

    It is well known that he would like to have all the Baltic states back and also parts of Poland. If he is not stopped here he'll quite likely just continue.

    Chamberlaining was not a good idea in 1938 and it is no better now.

    The actual point really is how to stop him without starting WW3. I see that as the main reason to keep US military away from direct contact.

    This is of course just one view.

  4. The "coup" you nentioned was a dirty politician fleeing to Russia before he could be impeached, and attempting to prevent his own impeachment by force, then calling on Russia to step in. There were zero votes in his favor when their Parliament voted, and it was about 385 out of 450 who voted. The only people who call it a coup is Russia.

  5. to answer your question about what interest the US has in Ukraine, I'll again point at nuclear proliferation.

    Ukraine inherited a lot of nukes from the USSR, they surrendered them on the assurance that the west (including specifically the US) would guarantee their borders.

    Unfortunately, we now have two cases where countries have given up their nuclear programs and have then suffered for it. Ukraine and Libya (with Biden as President and VP)

    At this point I don't know what could be done to make any other country willing to believe any guarantees in the future, but this episode sure isn't going to help.

  6. @Scott Slack: You're right, but you're also obfuscating the issue. As far as I can tell, all Ukrainian politicians are corrupt and "on the take", without exception.

    It was, indeed, a "coup" in that it was instigated, controlled and paid for by the USA. That's beyond reasonable doubt, and has been clearly shown over the years since it happened. It wasn't a "spontaneous uprising" or anything like that; and the new "powers that be" soon (very soon) proved themselves to be as corrupt as those that had been overthrown.

    If Russia were to mount a similar "coup" in Ukraine, I'd regard it as nothing more than "what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander". Both the USA and Russia have very, very dirty hands in that country, and I regard both as equally guilty.

  7. Can someone tell me, leaving Ukraine to the side for the moment, what exactly has Russia done militarily/economically around the world that can be construed as hostile to these uSA? And if any, how many are in reaction to these uSA's actions in other countries? And how many of Russia's actions would we disagree with or would recognize as rational?

  8. @Jaime, how far back do you want to go? WWII actions? violating the agreements on governing Berlin? cuban missile crisis? Soviet/Cuban actions in South America? support for terrorists in the middle east?

    If you pick the right point in history and discount the right actions, you can prove whatever you want.

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