Ashbutt is growing… and growing… and growing…

Those of you who’ve followed the saga of Ashbutt, the farm kitten we adopted last year, have seen several pictures of him as he’s been growing.  He’s nine months old now, and shows no sign of slowing down.  He’s gone from a tiny kitten to a 13-pound adolescent, and looks set fair to end up… Continue reading Ashbutt is growing… and growing… and growing…

Sorting books, with cat assistance

Regular readers will recall that shortly before we moved to Texas, I cut down my library very substantially.  I made a rule for myself at the time that I would not add more bookcases to our new home.  Instead, if I bought more books and wanted to keep them, I had to discard others, to… Continue reading Sorting books, with cat assistance

He’s a growing boy

Ashbutt, our farm kitten, is still growing like a weed, and shows no sign of slowing down.  (Given that he’s only five and a half months old, he’s probably got several more months until he reaches his full size.) This is him at 3 months old, when we brought him home, showing the coloration that… Continue reading He’s a growing boy

Adventures with Ashbutt – and toilets

You may recall that Ashbutt, our ‘new’ farm kitten, has fallen in love with little plastic-coated springs. Here he is with one, shortly after we brought him home. He’s now much larger (bigger than our 5-year-old adult female cat), but still utterly kittenish at 5 months of age.  He carries his springs around, and ‘fetches’… Continue reading Adventures with Ashbutt – and toilets

This one’s for our new kitten

I’ve written several times about Ashbutt, our new kitten.  He’s growing like a weed, and getting more rambunctious and kittenish by the day.  He’s a lot of fun. I think the author of The Devil’s Panties cartoon strip had Ashbutt in mind when she drew this morning’s comic.  If she didn’t, it accurately expresses his… Continue reading This one’s for our new kitten