Ashbutt is “helping” us . . .

. . . for various values of “helping”.  We’re assembling a couple of storage cabinets, and he’s finding the process fascinating. We don’t necessarily appreciate the help, particularly when he gets underfoot at critical moments, but he seems to regard that as part of the fun!  Just wait until I start hanging the shelves.  I… Continue reading Ashbutt is “helping” us . . .

Ashbutt has learned about the treadmill desk

Our Blogorado kitten, Ashbutt (now fourteen months old, fifteen-plus pounds, and every inch and ounce of him a kittenish Maine Coon) has discovered the delights of Miss D.‘s treadmill desk.  She’ll walk slowly on it while using the computer, and has grown accustomed to a black kitten stalking her footsteps on the mat, reaching up… Continue reading Ashbutt has learned about the treadmill desk

The battle for the top of the tree

Ashbutt (top shelf) and Kili (lower shelf) are poised for battle over who gets to be top cat.  Just a few seconds after this picture was taken, the fight was on. Ashbutt won that round.  He’s about twice Kili’s size and weight.  However, she gets her own back with ambush tactics that he still hasn’t… Continue reading The battle for the top of the tree