Here’s a graphic illustration of why you shouldn’t use gasoline in combination with matches to clear an ant or termite nest out of your back yard. Must have been fun explaining that to his wife! A common practice in many parts of Africa was to soak the offending nest with a couple of gallons of… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,057
Tag: Doofus
Doofus Of The Day #1,056
Today’s award goes to the member of Congressional representative Brian Mast’s staff who posted this tribute on Twitter to the US Navy. (I presume it wasn’t composed by Mr. Mast himself – he’s a combat veteran, and, given that background, hopefully knows enough about the navies of world powers not to make this mistake. Even so,… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,056
Doofus Of The Day #1,055
I don’t normally make Doofus awards to those who are killed as the result of doing something stupid. However, in this case, I’ll make an exception. A carjacker died after he accidentally blasted himself in the chest while trying to smash a window with the butt of his shotgun, an inquest has heard. Officers investigating… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,055
Doofus Of The Day #1,054
Today’s award goes to the faculty and students who took part in this nonsense. Speaking as a Christian pastor, it’s enough to make me cross (you should pardon the expression). Students at Union Theological Seminary in New York City were instructed to confess to potted plants as an “expression of worship” and as a “liturgical… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,054
Doofus Of The Day #1,053
Today’s award goes to some truly daft “vegan activists” in Spain. This is the moment two vegan activists separate chickens from cockerels because they ‘don’t want the hens to be raped’. The video was released by the Spanish vegan group Almas Veganas (Vegan Souls), based in Girona in the north-eastern Spanish region of Catalonia. They… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,053
Doofus Of The Day #1,052
Today’s award goes to the author of an academic paper on – of all things – the sexual exploitation of dairy cows. A paper currently being promoted by a New York university calls on society to consider the rampant “sexual exploitation” of dairy cows by the milk industry in order to “fully fight gendered oppression.”… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,052
Doofus Of The Day #1,051
Today’s award goes to actor Alec Baldwin for this tweet about the death by suicide, while in prison, of Jeffrey Epstein: He shares the award with Ron Perlman, Brian Koppelman, Dave Bautista, George Takei, and probably others in the Hollywood kafeeklatsch, all of whom also inferred a Russian hand of some sort in Epstein’s death.… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,051
Doofus Of The Day #1,050
Today’s award goes to basketball player D. J. Cooper, an American competing in Europe. Cooper had to undergo a doping control to potentially join the Bosnian national team as a naturalized player. The test results on the urine that Cooper provided as his own, revealed that he’s… pregnant. More precisely, the presence of “gHC”, a… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,050
Doofus Of The Day #1,049
Today’s award goes to a particularly dense Canadian politician wannabe. A tip o’ the hat to Small Dead Animals for finding her tweet. Take a closer look at the last photograph. Click the image below for a larger view. She’s wearing high heeled boots on slippery rocks, and there’s no fishing line on either the reel… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,049
Doofus Of The Day #1,048
Today’s award goes to some red-faced Green protesters in England. A tip o’ the hat to reader Snoggeramus for the link. Bungling climate change activists chanted slogans and banged drums outside a London office block today, only to discover the energy company they thought was based there has long moved on. Protesters from a group… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,048