Saturday Snippet: The Civil War at sea, from one of my current works in progress

  As regular readers will know, I’m hard at work on several novels that I hope to publish over the course of the next year.  Two are approaching completion:  the sixth volume of the Maxwell Saga military science-fiction series, and the first in a trilogy about the Union Navy during the Civil War of 1861-65. … Continue reading Saturday Snippet: The Civil War at sea, from one of my current works in progress

Saturday Snippet: One of the finest historical novelists in the world is being republished

  I was almost giddy with delight this week when I learned that the novels of the late Rosemary Sutcliff are being republished, and in e-book form, too.  She acquired worldwide fame for her children’s, young adult and adult historical fiction, winning many awards in the process.  She published more than 50 books during the course… Continue reading Saturday Snippet: One of the finest historical novelists in the world is being republished

Don’t send up the Bat-signal for this nightmare!

  I was astonished to see this mask, representing an ancient, evil bat-deity named Camazotz.  The resemblance between it and the comic-book figure Batman is uncanny. Collective Spark reports: Camazotz, (meaning ‘death bat’ in the Kʼiche’ Mayan language of Guatemala) originated deep in Mesoamerican mythology as a dangerous cave-dwelling bat creature. A cult following for… Continue reading Don’t send up the Bat-signal for this nightmare!

More about that missile-versus-C-47 encounter

  Readers may remember that ten years ago, I published an article about a South African Air Force C-47 transport that was hit by a SA-7 missile over what was then South West Africa (today Namibia) during the Border War.  Despite severe damage to the aircraft, the pilot managed to land it safely, and all… Continue reading More about that missile-versus-C-47 encounter

A Polish-Ukrainian “commonwealth”? Now there’s a thought…

  I was intrigued to read an article over at Al Fin – Next Level titled “Emerging Polish-Ukrainian Commonwealth“.  In it, the author notes: Millions of Ukrainian citizens fled the Russian invasion of February 2022, and were welcomed into Poland with open arms. The same thing is happening with many Ukrainian businesses, which are seeking… Continue reading A Polish-Ukrainian “commonwealth”? Now there’s a thought…

Saturday Snippet: A 19th-century view of money, interest and investment

  Today’s Snippet is from a book that’s not yet published.  It’s “The Price of Time: The Real Story of Interest” by Edward Chancellor. Financial and investment analyst John Mauldin has been publishing excerpts from the book in his free weekly newsletter “Thoughts From The Frontline“.  (If you’re not already subscribed to it, I highly… Continue reading Saturday Snippet: A 19th-century view of money, interest and investment

Alcohol as a factor in ocean exploration?

  I was interested – and amused – to learn that apple cider (the “hard” version, containing alcohol, rather than the “soft” version most Americans know) was a staple of early ocean exploration in one part of the world.  The BBC reports: As chateaux vineyards are to Bordeaux and single malt distilleries are to Speyside,… Continue reading Alcohol as a factor in ocean exploration?

Saturday Snippet: A chaplain at war

  Back in the 1960’s, one of my all-time favorite naval historians, the late John Winton, edited a volume of short memoirs of naval history during World War II.  It was part of a trilogy called the “Freedom’s Battle” series:  the other two dealt with war on land and war in the air.  His was… Continue reading Saturday Snippet: A chaplain at war

Old armor is equipped to perform new tricks

  I was intrigued to learn (courtesy of a post by SNAFU Solomon) about a modern adaptation of former Soviet T-62 tanks (first produced in the 1960’s) by the Algerian Army. I came across T-62’s in the field, way back when.  They were impressive enough from an infantry point of view, but were less able… Continue reading Old armor is equipped to perform new tricks

Saturday Snippet: A reminder of what we’re fighting for

  On March 23rd, 1775, Patrick Henry gave his famous Address to the Second Virginia Convention, which was debating whether or not to join with other states to defy British attempts to divide and rule them ever more onerously.  If you substitute “liberal-progressive politicians” for “British”, it’s still pretty relevant and applicable to our situation… Continue reading Saturday Snippet: A reminder of what we’re fighting for