Quote of the day

From my buddy Ambulance Driver, on Twitter: AD to triage nurse:“Why yes, I am an agent of Satan…but my duties are purely ceremonial.” As another friend, Lawdog, would say: *Gigglesnort!* Peter

A superb rant!

Stingray, the male half of the Atomic Nerds, has unleased a truly superb rant about the ‘commercial Christmas’ being inflicted upon us all, as usual, at this time of year. His language is sometimes over the top, but in general he says it all very well indeed – and very rudely! Here are a few… Continue reading A superb rant!

Quote of the day

The blog Do Over, one of those linked in my reciprocal blogroll, published an article titled ‘Wildlife Menu‘ back in September, which I’ve just got around to reading. From that article, I took this quote about Texas red ants. one of the ‘little’ red ants tried to bite my foot off and when I stomped… Continue reading Quote of the day

Oh, well done, sir!

Andrew Breitbart has scooped the entire mainstream media on his blog, ‘Big Government’. He’s caught ACORN red-handed dumping a mass of documents (possibly illegally) in what looks like an attempt to forestall an inquiry that would force them to hand over those documents to the authorities. As he points out: On October 1st, 2009 California… Continue reading Oh, well done, sir!

Larry hits one out of the park

My friend Larry Correia published an article on his blog about the Democratic Party’s socialized health care plan. In my not-so-humble opinion, Larry’s hit this one right out of the park – a brilliant analysis. Here’s an excerpt. Pelosi doesn’t care that a bunch of democrats will lose their jobs, because she is in it… Continue reading Larry hits one out of the park