Er . . . oops?

It seems a South Korean factory had an unexpected delivery the other day, courtesy of the US Armed Forces. A U.S. military helicopter accidentally dropped a metal container unit being airlifted Monday in South Korea, damaging a building but causing no injuries, officials said. The container was being carried via sling load by a 2nd… Continue reading Er . . . oops?

Well, son of a beach!

A pristine seafront near Sydney, Australia isn’t so pristine any longer, after a barge carrying a sewage truck passed… er, didn’t pass by. They’re going to have fun salvaging that sewage truck, I don’t think! A tip o’ the hat to reader Snoggeramus for sending me a link to the story. Peter

The devil’s in the details – naval edition

The old idiom “The devil’s in the details” has, in my experience, been proven true time and time again.  The “big picture” may look fine and dandy, but there’s always something, some little detail that’s escaped attention, that can screw it up to a fare-thee-well. The Norwegian Navy learned that the hard way last year,… Continue reading The devil’s in the details – naval edition

I wish we’d had this when I was injured

Back in 2004, I suffered a work-related injury that necessitated two spinal surgeries.  It left me with permanent partial disability, a fused spine, and in pain 24/7/365.  Sadly, once the injury had been suffered, there was nothing that medical science could do but treat its resulting symptoms (rather than their cause), and prop up the… Continue reading I wish we’d had this when I was injured

Getting his priorities straight . . . sort of

I giggled at this edition of “The Whiteboard“.  Click the image to be taken to the cartoon’s Web page for a larger view. If you aren’t already setting aside time in your day to read that comic strip, may I suggest you do so? It’s a lot of fun. I’ve known people with exactly that… Continue reading Getting his priorities straight . . . sort of

That must have been interesting!

Courtesy of Phil at Bustedknuckles, we find this photograph.  (Clickit to biggit.) Getting that fire hydrant stuck in there must have been . . . adventurous!  Also, note how it’s chewing up the tread on both tires.  Both – perhaps all four, both inner and both outer tires – are going to have to be… Continue reading That must have been interesting!