Online sources for those seeking a firearm

With the current shortage of firearms for sale, caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the panic buying it’s sparked, I know some people really need a firearm, but can’t find one at a price they can afford. There are two major online sources I’ve used in the past, that aren’t seeking to profiteer from the… Continue reading Online sources for those seeking a firearm

COVID-19: Our politicians are fiddling while Rome burns

As readers doubtless already know, partisan bickering has stalled the progress of the biggest-yet economic rescue package through the United States Congress.  I’m not blaming one side or the other, because both are equally at fault.  Republicans are focused far too strongly on bailing out big corporations at the expense of small business and individuals,… Continue reading COVID-19: Our politicians are fiddling while Rome burns

Vignettes from Wichita Falls this morning

I drove into our nearby “big city”, Wichita Falls, this morning to do some shopping and fill my vehicle with gasoline.  I took the opportunity to speak with folks I know there.  This is what they told me. Sams Club has been overrun with anxious shoppers buying everything they can get their hands on.  This… Continue reading Vignettes from Wichita Falls this morning

Saturday snippet: Doses of economic reality

Instead of putting up my usual Saturday snippet of an excerpt from a book, today, in the light of the coronavirus situation, I’d like to post snippets from three articles that summarize where we are today, and show a trend that’s certain to continue for at least a few months, if not considerably longer. The… Continue reading Saturday snippet: Doses of economic reality

For all the coronavirus doubting Thomases out there . . .

. . . those who still maintain that the coronavirus pandemic is overblown, that it’s no worse than the flu, that the authorities are overreacting and using the pandemic as an excuse to take away our civil liberties . . . sorry, but you’re wrong. This is the reality of the coronavirus in full swing,… Continue reading For all the coronavirus doubting Thomases out there . . .

The pandemic leads to an explosion in firearms and ammunition sales

I’m frankly astonished at the sudden, huge increase in demand for firearms and ammunition as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.  Gun shops are reporting land-office business, and ammunition vendors – even the largest online-only operations – are so swamped by sudden, massive orders that they’re running out of stock.  Some sample headlines: Fears Over… Continue reading The pandemic leads to an explosion in firearms and ammunition sales

An exercise in futility and political stupidity

Many of our large inner-city metropolitan areas are effectively out of control when it comes to crime and violence.  Some are more visibly so than others;  in this case, Baltimore, where the mayor has made a public appeal that’s infuriating in its futility and blatantly obvious lack of truth. Baltimore Mayor Jack Young urged residents… Continue reading An exercise in futility and political stupidity

Will the pandemic pop the higher education bubble?

College Fix thinks it may. … when large universities shift their course offerings online during a global pandemic, it might get students wondering – why would they continue to pay exorbitant fees for dorms, meal plans, and parking, when they can get the same instruction sitting at home in front of their computers? Once a… Continue reading Will the pandemic pop the higher education bubble?