Home again

I’m back from my weekend trip to research aspects of my next Western novel.  I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow, after I’ve caught up on some sleep and persuaded Ashbutt to stop trying to help me compose a blog post by walking across the keyboard and batting at my fingers. *Sigh* Peter

A state of armed feline neutrality

Our new Blogorado kitten, nicknamed Ashbutt (the pictures demonstrate why!), spent his first 48 hours at his new home largely in seclusion in the guest bedroom, to give our existing cat, Kili, time to sniff his scent under the door, object angrily (and vocally) to the presence of another cat, and generally make her indignation… Continue reading A state of armed feline neutrality

Blogorado, Day 5, and homeward bound

All good things must come to an end, as the saying goes, and our annual Blogorado gatherings are no exception.  On Monday morning we gathered for the last time as a big group.  A few of our number had already left, as they’d had to return to work that day, but most of us would… Continue reading Blogorado, Day 5, and homeward bound

Blogorado, Day 4

Sunday dawned cool and clear, but with clouds drifting in slowly, promising unsettled weather later in the day.  The wind was picking up. We rendezvoused for breakfast as usual.  The hostelry had learned from previous mornings’ experience, and had set up a coffee urn for our use in the side room.  Also, we’d learned to… Continue reading Blogorado, Day 4

Blogorado, Day 1

The gathering of our clan has officially begun!  Miss D. and I arrived early yesterday afternoon in the small Colorado town that’s the base for our annual blogger gathering.  Old NFO and aepilot_jim followed in our tracks, getting in half-an-hour behind us.  Others were arriving from various points of the compass.  Most of us booked… Continue reading Blogorado, Day 1