Quote of the week

  From an article in the American Spectator titled “An Elegy for the FBI“: Thanks to the raid of Trump’s home, the FBI is not only faced with having lost the confidence and cooperation of almost half of America. It has also transformed itself into a despised moral leper colony — a painted, hagged out,… Continue reading Quote of the week

Lies, damned lies, and inflation fudgery

  Two years ago I postulated: We’ve seen in the past how reliable private sources such as Shadowstats and the Chapwood Index have consistently estimated the true inflation rate to be between three and four times higher than the official numbers.  I believe them. Therefore, here’s a suggestion, based solidly upon historical economic reality. To… Continue reading Lies, damned lies, and inflation fudgery

Sounds like the Italians have picked themselves a worthwhile leader

  I don’t normally follow Italian politics very closely, but I’ve watched the recent election campaign there with real astonishment.  To have the President of the European Commission publicly and unashamedly threaten the Italian electorate with “consequences” if they elect the “wrong” government . . . that’s mind-boggling.  So much for democracy!  Thankfully, Italian voters… Continue reading Sounds like the Italians have picked themselves a worthwhile leader

Have European Union bureaucrats lost their minds?

  The Zman warns that European bureaucrats are trying (perhaps “conspiring” would be a better word) to fix energy prices at higher levels for the long term. In effect the EU is lending its citizens money to pay their utility bills, without telling them that they are creating a debt for them. Example Cornelius is… Continue reading Have European Union bureaucrats lost their minds?

A blue-on-blue oopsie…

  I had to laugh at this video clip.  In England, traffic wardens are equipped with clamps to immobilize vehicles that park illegally.  The traffic warden below had obviously had enough with scofflaws in police uniform, so . . . The thin blue line just got a bit squiggly, if you ask me! Peter

Understanding the tyrannical mind

  Brandon Smith does an excellent job of outlining the mind of a tyrant.  A tyrant need not be a dictatorial warlord like Genghis Khan;  he or she can be a low- to mid-level bureaucrat or supervisor in business, or an elected or appointed official in local, regional or national government.  The common factor in… Continue reading Understanding the tyrannical mind

Increasingly, dissidents will find their finances being used against them

  If you publicly dissent from government policies, in many parts of the world your own bank accounts may be used as a weapon against you.  It’s happening more and more often.  Some examples: CANADA:  Froze bank accounts of those involved in the trucker protests earlier this year, focusing on leaders and activists in particular.… Continue reading Increasingly, dissidents will find their finances being used against them

Will you please help rescue a little girl?

  The Intrepid Reporter, whom we’ve mentioned several times in these pages, is fighting a legal battle to gain legal custody of one of his grandchildren.  It’s a horror story of competing interests, different laws in multiple jurisdictions, bureaucrats and emotions that’s been painful to follow.  You can read about it here at the fundraiser he’s… Continue reading Will you please help rescue a little girl?

Armed tax “special agents”? Yes, they’re a thing.

  There’s been a furore in news and social media about an Internal Revenue Service recruitment ad for “IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent”.  It’s since been pulled, but not before it had been archived:  you can view the whole thing at this link.  The part that gave people pause for thought is this: Major Duties:… Continue reading Armed tax “special agents”? Yes, they’re a thing.

Why are so many churches and denominations working hand-in-glove with the authorities?

  A reader wrote to me recently.  Edited and streamlined, his question can be phrased: “Why do so many churches and denominations cooperate with governments that are obviously corrupt and self-serving?  Why did so many churches order or encourage their members to get the Covid-19 vaccine, and still do?  Why did so many churches obey… Continue reading Why are so many churches and denominations working hand-in-glove with the authorities?