There have been many developments in the coronavirus pandemic over the past few days. I’ll try to summarize them in point form, with links to supporting articles. They range from local, to national, to international politics, health care and geopolitical implications. 1. US business and politics. (a) Food production is becoming affected by the pandemic. … Continue reading COVID-19: Update for March 30, 2020
Tag: Coronavirus
Insatiable greed – but I don’t know if it can be stopped
I’ve been struck by how many pressure groups are doing everything they can to get their clients included in federal government bailouts following the coronavirus pandemic. They defy logic and reason while appealing to emotion, patriotism, naked self-interest (“Our people won’t vote for you unless you include them!”) and everything else they can think of.… Continue reading Insatiable greed – but I don’t know if it can be stopped
Tragic news from SayUncle
Well-known gun-blogger SayUncle’s wife died suddenly and without any warning a few days ago. On March 20th, my beloved wife and mother of my children, unexpectedly went into cardiac arrest. She had never presented any symptoms prior to then. On March 21st, her doctor informed me that her brain was no longer functioning and there… Continue reading Tragic news from SayUncle
What did I tell you?
A few hours ago I posted about how crime was increasing in many jurisdictions due to the release of felons from prison, thanks to concerns over the spread of coronavirus. I also mentioned other factors contributing to the rise in crime, including that many police forces are no longer responding to, or even recording, what… Continue reading What did I tell you?
The grasshoppers are already coming after the ants
A few days ago, I noted: Another big problem is the unintended consequences of government policies to address the pandemic. For example, many local and state governments are releasing lower-level inmates from prisons, to alleviate overcrowding and forestall the spread of COVID-19 in such close quarters. That’s a legitimate health objective . . . but… Continue reading The grasshoppers are already coming after the ants
Why the consumer supply chain is disrupted at present
The Last Refuge recently published an article analyzing why we’re experiencing shortages of certain goods, and why the consumer supply chain is disrupted. It’s one of the best explanations I’ve yet read on the subject. Here’s an excerpt. Most consumers are not aware food consumption in the U.S. is now a 50/50 proposition. Approximately 50%… Continue reading Why the consumer supply chain is disrupted at present
Important questions. Can we answer them?
I’m very impressed by Tucker Carlson’s rigorous analysis of situations and his insight into their deeper implications. He’s one observer of our way of life to whom I’ll listen carefully and with great interest. I’m beginning to regard him in the same light as Victor Davis Hanson and others of his ilk. What’s even more… Continue reading Important questions. Can we answer them?
Looks like the rumor mill was correct about street drugs . . .
Back on March 13th I wrote: I’m hearing interesting things from [my law enforcement friends] about the supply of illegal drugs in our major metropolitan areas. Basically, that supply is being cut off at the knees by the slowdown in world trade. I hadn’t realized how much the drug trade was dependent upon Chinese chemicals… Continue reading Looks like the rumor mill was correct about street drugs . . .
In a crisis, a sense of humor is more essential than ever
Even though things look pretty bleak as the coronavirus pandemic continues unabated, I’m enjoying the memes and jokes that are proliferating through the doom and gloom. Readers sent me these over the past couple of days: Laughing at ourselves and our foibles is usually a pretty healthy thing to do. Let’s do more of it!… Continue reading In a crisis, a sense of humor is more essential than ever
That’s telling them!
Received via e-mail, origin unknown: I couldn’t have put it better myself . . . “Panic buying” is distinctly different from buying what one needs to be prepared for a given period. “Prepping” means working out meal plans, deciding what one needs for the number of people involved over the period concerned, and then buying… Continue reading That’s telling them!