Well, well, well… FBI agents identified from gay pride parade photographs?

  As we mentioned earlier, there were an unknown, but large number of FBI agents operating under cover at last Saturday’s demonstration in Washington D.C.  This photograph of what are presumed to be some of them was later memed by Lawdog. One of Michael Yon’s legion of supporters has apparently done his homework.  He found… Continue reading Well, well, well… FBI agents identified from gay pride parade photographs?

The war on manliness and masculinity

  Frontpage magazine asks some very pertinent questions, and has answers. Why is the Left so heavily invested in discrediting and dismantling traditional sex roles? Why do woke celebrities and their fans so fervently leap to defend the notions that women can compete right alongside men in a collision sport, that men wearing dresses on… Continue reading The war on manliness and masculinity

Doofus Of The Day #1,068

  Today’s award goes to a performance artist (?) in Australia.  A tip o’ the hat to Australian reader Andrew for the link. WARNING:  Some of the pictures at the link are distasteful to those of more conventional morality.  The same goes for some of the story details.  Caution is advised. A Melbourne artist who… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #1,068

A special snowflake meets reality

I was going to make this article part of my “Doofus Of The Day” series, but on reflection, that’s probably not fair.  The victim isn’t a doofus – just someone almost completely out of touch with reality.  The blame for that lies just as much with the society, and the family, that permitted that to… Continue reading A special snowflake meets reality

I think the Vatican – and chromosomes – have the right of it

Speaking the truth, in the face of popular rejection of it, has never been easy or safe;  but if one wants to be honest, it has to be done.  I commend the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education for doing precisely that. The Vatican condemned gender theory on Monday as part of a “confused concept of freedom”,… Continue reading I think the Vatican – and chromosomes – have the right of it

Risk, auto insurance, and political correctness

I had to laugh at this report from Canada. It started when an insurance company gave David a quote — roughly $4,500 a year, if he bought the Chevy. He had a collision and a ticket or two on his record, which helped boost the premium. Then, he had an idea. He asked the insurer what… Continue reading Risk, auto insurance, and political correctness

I hope the silent majority is gathering itself for action . . .

Remember: Memories Pizza in Indiana?  When its owner declined to cater gay weddings, and the store shut down under a monumental wave of hatred and backlash, a fundraiser collected over $800,000 for the owners. Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Oregon?  Forced by a hostile state agency to pay damages to a lesbian couple for whom… Continue reading I hope the silent majority is gathering itself for action . . .

Robert Stacy McCain brings the smackdown to LGBTBBQWTF

Following my essay on gender and sex last Wednesday, I was intrigued – and felt vindicated – to find that Robert Stacy McCain has his own views on the subject, very similar to mine. In January 2014, when I first wrote about the controversy between radical feminists and transgender activists, it seemed to me a… Continue reading Robert Stacy McCain brings the smackdown to LGBTBBQWTF