I mentioned earlier this week that Cedar Sanderson’s hunting anthology “How Not to Shoot Fish, and Other Deer that Got Away” has just been published. I have a story in this anthology. It’s one I told more than a decade ago in these pages, so I’m sure most of you won’t remember it. I… Continue reading Saturday Snippet: A hunting blast from the past
Tag: Attaboy!
How not to shoot fish!
That’s actually part of the title of a new anthology of hunting stories from Cedar Sanderson: “How Not to Shoot Fish, and Other Deer that Got Away“. The blurb reads: Twenty-one tales of hunting, fishing, and trapping make this volume of stories big enough to hold a drink in one hand while you read… Continue reading How not to shoot fish!
That’s one way to stop criminals…
Courtesy of a link provided on MeWe, we find this video clip documenting how Brazilian motorists, plagued with thieves on motorcycles, are dealing with the problem. WARNING: It’s violent and pretty terminal, so if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing, don’t watch it. Click the tweet image below to be taken to the… Continue reading That’s one way to stop criminals…
Saturday Snippet: One of the finest historical novelists in the world is being republished
I was almost giddy with delight this week when I learned that the novels of the late Rosemary Sutcliff are being republished, and in e-book form, too. She acquired worldwide fame for her children’s, young adult and adult historical fiction, winning many awards in the process. She published more than 50 books during the course… Continue reading Saturday Snippet: One of the finest historical novelists in the world is being republished
My wife’s latest book is published!
My wife’s latest book – her sixth, and the fourth in her “Combined Operations” series – has just been published. It’s titled “Between Two Graves“. The blurb reads: He swore he wouldn’t be back while his parents lived… Now, almost thirty years later, AJ is going home. Ordered to attend his mother’s funeral in… Continue reading My wife’s latest book is published!
That’s telling them!
I have to admit, Rep. Matt Gaetz can aggravate, agitate and discombobulate progressive leftists like few other politicians can, when he puts his mind to it. His latest is a doozy. On Saturday, Gaetz spoke to college students at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa, saying women protesting abortion access are… Continue reading That’s telling them!
A happy and blessed Independence Day to all my readers
In honor of the occasion, here’s what’s always struck me as a quintessentially American celebration: rock group Boston performing the National Anthem instrumentally at a football game on July 4th, 2006. May the freedom we celebrate today continue to be a reality; and may all who threaten that freedom lose their own. Peter
Courtesy of Watts Up With That: After this, it might be a while until climate activists try glueing themselves to anything in France. Activists should do their research before pulling a stunt like that. US and UK police might be soft on disruptive protestors, but there are some police forces you just don’t mess… Continue reading OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!
Saturday Snippet: Faerie meets combat vet. Excitement ensues.
We’ve met my friend and fellow author Jason Fuesting in these pages before: I mentioned his first and second sci-fi novels in 2019 and 2021 respectively. Now Jason’s embarked on a new genre, modern fantasy (with extensive military overtones). His first venture in the field is called “Dusk Knight“. The blurb reads: Guns, mayhem,… Continue reading Saturday Snippet: Faerie meets combat vet. Excitement ensues.
With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel
Charles Rixey has written a wonderful COVID-19 parody of Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Sounds of Silence”, set to the same rhythm and meter. I think it’s inspired. With new strains of COVID making their appearance, and the latest monkey-pox scare, I’m sure more verses will be added soon. I invite readers to submit… Continue reading With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel