As if we needed more reminders . . .

  . . . and yet, some do.  For all that we’ve discussed food shortages and other current crises in these pages, there are still those driving blithely along, refusing to see – let alone acknowledge – the signs of the times all around them.  I honestly don’t know how – or if – they’ll… Continue reading As if we needed more reminders . . .

The Uvalde shooting: a tragedy with some strange elements

  Thoughts, prayers and support go out to the bereaved of Uvalde.  For parents and siblings to lose sons and daughters, brothers and sisters like that, particularly at so early an age, is tragic beyond description.  May God give the survivors what comfort they are able to receive, and accept the souls of the dead… Continue reading The Uvalde shooting: a tragedy with some strange elements

A totalitarian onslaught against freedom on a worldwide scale

  Novelist Ian Fleming had his James Bond character opine, “Once is happenstance;  twice is coincidence;  three times is enemy action”.  That’s a yardstick that’s been used by many organizations to assess what’s going on in the world, whether at war (as Fleming did when he worked for a British military intelligence organization during World… Continue reading A totalitarian onslaught against freedom on a worldwide scale

The growing worldwide refugee crisis is now clear to see

  I’ve posted warnings from Michael Yon in these pages over the past few months, warning of what he terms PANFAWAR (Pandemic, Famine, War) and its consequences.  More and more knowledgeable people are picking up on the same clues he’s seeing, and coming to agree with him.  Most recently, he stated flatly: Famines always create… Continue reading The growing worldwide refugee crisis is now clear to see

Risky people to have around in a crisis

  I’m obliged to Herschel Smith for embedding this video on his blog a couple of days ago.  I’ll put it up first (it’s less than 5 minutes long), then talk a little about it. Herschel comments: I wouldn’t embed this video except that I have actually talked to people like this.  Yes, to someone… Continue reading Risky people to have around in a crisis

If you’re still not listening, you’re about to run out of time

  For years, people like me have been warning that hard times are coming.  For the past year or more, some of us have been hammering on the point that hard times are already here, and they’re going to get worse – a lot worse – before they get better.  Michael Yon has gone so… Continue reading If you’re still not listening, you’re about to run out of time

Here’s the next globalist panic-mongering effort

  After COVID-19 and the Ukraine war, behold – climate change rears its ugly head again! Deadly with extreme weather now, climate change is about to get so much worse. It is likely going to make the world sicker, hungrier, poorer, gloomier and way more dangerous in the next 18 years with an “unavoidable” increase in… Continue reading Here’s the next globalist panic-mongering effort

Guess what? The Biden administration just paid Iran’s dues to the United Nations

  According to the New York Sun: … two weeks ago, Secretary General António Guterres issued a letter. It listed those countries that were so far behind in their dues that, under Article 19 of the United Nations Charter, they couldn’t vote in the General Assembly. Iran was the second worst deadbeat, after Venezuela. From… Continue reading Guess what? The Biden administration just paid Iran’s dues to the United Nations

“Since January 2020, the United States has printed nearly 80% of all US dollars in existence.” Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  If this report doesn’t scare the hell out of you, you sure as heck don’t understand the economic disaster now staring us in the face. Since March of 2020, Americans and the world alike have watched from the sidelines as power hungry politicians have ushered in draconian lockdowns, shutdowns, police state measures, and brought… Continue reading “Since January 2020, the United States has printed nearly 80% of all US dollars in existence.” Be afraid. Be very afraid.

“The homeless crisis is a symptom of our society collapsing in real time”

  That’s how Tucker Carlson sees homelessness in America right now.  It’s hard to disagree with him.  Here’s part of the conclusion from the transcript of his opening segment last night. It’s not complicated at all. It couldn’t be simpler. Politicians are making it much easier to be a homeless drug addict in the United… Continue reading “The homeless crisis is a symptom of our society collapsing in real time”